Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Chef uniform

haha...At last , I get my chef uniform...And yeah this tailor is bloody sucks(sorry to say that but it's just the TRUTH)... Next semester must wear it de...Or perhaps during my exam week. Well it's hot + the hot weather = it gonna kill me...Nothing much to say bout this..(so let it end here)...Face problems XD

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Read This And Apologize

27 June 2009 (Sat)

I've waited long way to watch transformer movie at cinema. I Do say No to those friends that invited me to go due to "I feel like watch with you is better"(I bet It's more fun ) but what did I do till u said LEMA when u called me? I invited you first , then you invited me again So Don't u know whether I want to watch or not?( Come on la even a "Normal" friends can get it and as if today is the 1st day u know me.) I was cool with you even u bringed your gf along but at least tell me what ! So I could invite someone else to watch together rather than asked to be a lamp post (I know u got other friends joining but I dont feel comfortable with that and yet is this the 1st day u know me ? ) So I decided to not to watch. Don't u feel something wrong when I said so? (perhaps in ur mind now u thinking of "i'M not a good friends to you ; i'm a nobody in our few years of friendship and pls u think so I got a ans for u . Thanks for the advices u gave me when i'm in trouble and all the ways u did so help me up. Frankly I could not be to ur "Friend" anymore and yeah why? Bared in mind. Gf is not the way for you to forgot your friends feeling sometime(Feel shame abit lar). I wish all the best for you and don't come back to friends when u got into trouble like me. I regreted before. thx for this blog. It make me describe all my feeling . =D ..Sigh what I guessed about you is wrong . U're just a ordinary type of person. More to be nothing. Haih what a day u spoiled. Unforgiven

Bye And enjoY
Hope the one u "holded hands" together is your gf.Or else i'm gonna feel embarassed on myself..
And shy to be ur friends anymore..

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Trying to make everything goes well

Studies(school life),
I've growed , but what do I need to survive... Well , for the past few years throughout the school days that I had gone to, I don't really want to study and now I felt so sorry to myself which I don't know why suddenly it bared inside my memory.

I started to fail & fail since form 2 which I never receive what she want to give to me & maybe I'm just a wood. And yeah till now I still continue to live as a wood.

I gone through everything , thanks for the support.(Bf - Thanks for everything , this may not payable but I still got to thank you with the eclipse of my heart.)

I just love the way they are..

Chefz , uhm everything seem going well...I would like to keep it up.

Myself ,
Still taking good care of my face (T_T) and I'm not as fine as the passed.

Well till here..(got some pictures that i'm gonna upload it but lazy hehe)

UnLoveable XoXoXo ~