Saturday, September 14, 2013


It iS ALL fate... And I will be waiting ~~~ The days since we temporary go for separate way, make me realize something ... Something that is so meaningful which I don't know how to describe it out here.... If I were you , yes I will definitely will go this way, but its up to yourself...Choice and time is at your hand.... everyday hoping there is a special MESSAGE from you , saying " lets go back together "... Sitting in front of BEAR BEAR , telling her I am just too hurtful and I have to get home late at night due to alcoholic... Well , this is not me... Confession , drink too much have made my body weaker ... could feel my heartbeat is not fine anymore... but I don't know when I will stop hurt myself as much as u made.. Dear all friend which had that I have drink with them which I usually reject them, Don't afraid , till the day I died , I will remember u guys, which make fun with me when I am lonely... thank you ~ Dear " To her " I still love you so much.... And I miss you badly... - A message from you, really could change my day. -a call from you make me feel safer. -a date from you make me happy. I am here always , just for you , only you...

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